Wednesday, March 07, 2007

out and about

Every Wednesday now, we head down to Ely Library for a get together with the mums and Rhyme Time in the children's section. This involves singing nursery rhymes and a story read by one of the librarians. It's funny how there are lots of mums there but all the mums are clearly over 30. You do see the young mums around Ely but they are usually accompanied by a gaggle of other chain smoking chavs, on of which is probably the father standing outside the chip shop or woolies in the market place. It's a shame that you have to be over 30 to appreciate the literacy of your child.
Mr Man here didn't sleep much today and having walked right round the Cathedral and grounds just to get him to sleep without success, god knows, I tried.
I'm feeling much more myself again now, last week was a hormonal chocolate binge punctuated with feelings of inadequacy and woe.

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