Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jabs, G cups and a garden full of pushchairs

Quite a full day, I hear you say. Not half. 9am this morning was Leon's 3rd Jab, this one is 3 injections, he took it well, a bit of a moan but fine pretty quickly afterwards and was in a good mood until midday. I fed him banana mixed with milk today, for the 2nd time - yesterday being the first time, he loves it. He ate 3/4 of a banana and wanted more but I decided to stop as his eyes are probably bigger than his belly. I've been asking the other mums how they gradually added foods and I will be doing some cooking and freezing later this week. By midday the jabs kicked in and he was all hot and moany, clingy wasn't the word. I gave him some Calpol and fed him what he would have and eventually he fell into a deep deep sleep about 2pm.
Beautiful weather by the way, fabulous. My bra arrived today from lessbounce.com - this one is a super Brunel construction as my nursing bras seem unable to contain Leon's food source. I came to the conclusion it was probably that I've gone up a couple of cup sizes. I guessed at a G cup (I was DD before I got pregnant) and to my horror, when it arrived thismorning, it fitted perfectly. They are also 3x the price of the ones I've had up to now so I will be making do with a much more limited selection - they don't come in pretty designs really anyway.
I'd invited the mums round before baby massage for lunch. This involved me bunging 10 spuds in the oven and them providing the fillings and dessert. When they arrived just after midday, the house spotless, it was glorious weather so we all stayed in the Garden and enjoyed the weather. The house is still spotless.
Baby massage involved massaging a model baby as Leon was fast asleep.

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