Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bumbo weening masterclass

Not only did I steam some carrot and pear to mush and freeze today but I had Leah and Sarah round for lunch, Leon has had three days of banana and milk and is loving it. I let him try the carrot, not keen (I will persevere) and pear; seemed interested but not hungry enough to get enthusiastic. His poo stays in the liner now and can be flushed away instead of soaking through into the nappy. Oh and he slept through from 7 to 7 with an 11pm feed last night for the first time since the new year. The extra solid food in his tum is making aaawlll the difference. He's now had his last lot of jabs until he's one and after a couple of days of not being quite himself, he's back to normal again.
Sarah and I walked up to the hospital and had him weighed, he's holding his line like a trooper.
This 1st stage weening is a transformation in progress, it's really quite exciting and involves alot more hard work than just breast feeding. This is the first time I'm consulting all my baby books and magazines since we got the sleep routine sorted in the new year. I like to do the reading, ask all my friends then do my own thing. I haven't stopped all day, what with housework, washing, cooking, feeding etc etc if this carries on, I can see why the two Sarah's are so slim!

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