Saturday, December 23, 2006


Just read Toby's blog which covered most things. It's really nice to be here and to be able to pass Leon to his Auntie or to my Mum for a cuddle while I get a drink or the like. Mum's taught me a new technique to get Leon to sleep if he's windy or wired. It involves holding him very tight to my chest with a dummy, the dummy can't fall out because it's between him and my chest, he starts sucking while he's rocked back and forth. At first he wriggles and complains but very quickly he calms down because he's being held tightly which at first he doesn't like but then he changes his mind and he does like! It gets him to sleep in no time. I don't like to use it last thing - it's better to put him down in the cot and have him get him self off - just sit with him and replace the dummy, but during the day, if he's wired and we both can snooze together and get in a cuddle then it's ideal. I'd always been wary of holding him to me if he complains but this way I can calm him down and get a cuddle. Funny what a bit of experience can do.

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