Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Packed and set to go

Pretty much all packed and ready to go. I was in a right old foul mood most of the day, I guess I'm nervous taking little one away for the first time and staying at my mums. I'll be getting to show him off to some of my oldest friends and the people I love most dearly. Leon will be 7 weeks tomorrow. He went to sleep by himself this evening, having cried for about 10 minutes on and off. It's not the first time he's got himself off to sleep but the first time in the evening he's gone off from crying. Normally if he's grumpy in the evening he goes to bed much later having fallen asleep with us in the bouncer downstairs. I am happy so far with the way Tob and I parent him and we work well sharing the load and the decisions, say how long to leave him to cry for or who checks on him.
Its going to be a car full, it's not just the clothes and baby stuff, there's loads of mince piess, wheat free everything, the PS2 and games AND dance mats, a big sack of Christmas presents for everyone. The baby stuff isn't too bad all things considered. It's the 3 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of boots and a pair of trainers that takes up the space. I have packed too many clothes for both me and Leon butat least neither of us can say we have nothing to wear.

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