Saturday, November 04, 2006

I took this this morning I will try to blog every day as this bit goes so fast. My stitches aren't doing too badly, I need to keep reminding myself to rest as I feel happy and energetic mostly but then I crash and have to just sleep.
My boobs are like swolen melons and could heat a house, looks like my milk is coming through. Leon's done his first green poo and after the amazing amount he has guzzled today he has slept the rest of the time with only a bit of sick up just now. I'm keeping an eye on him as I type, muslin at the ready.
Last night I also tried a reusable nappy, it felt really good on him and unlike the huggies it doesn't suck all the moisture out of the poo leaving it harder to clean off his skin. He doesn't like being changed!!! that and hunger are the main things that he will have a good cry about. His suction while breastfeeding makes Dyson seem like a walk in the park. He may be laid back but he's very strong and will already hold his head up if you put him on your chest. He has very powerful if ineffectual rooting urges. It's lovely to be around him. He's lying next to me on the V pillow, mostly asleep, making little sounds, faces, stretches... another little sick up. His strong neck means that instead of it coming out he moved his head sideways and tried to swallow it back again. I managed to stop some of it...better out than in and all that.
Any second I expect he will start thinking about feeding again, it's been a long day for him, first trip into town, Grandparents keeping him entertained this morning. First day today on new milk which needs much more winding and both him and me are still getting used to the process. It wouldn't surprise me if tonight doesn't go as smoothy as last night's 2 feeds and mostly quiet night.
We all need our rest. Posted by Picasa

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