Thursday, November 09, 2006


Serious cute factor, awake for a change with fist in mouth, his favorite hand! He hasn't found his thumb yet but his fingers are a popular alternative. Around lunchtime today a package arrived from M&S online. Now, I hadn't ordered anything but it was in Leon's name too... a bit young to be nicking our credit cards and ordering online!We opened the box in anticipation (photos are in Tob's camera so he will blog them) and took pictures for posterity. Jo Stubley had bought our Leon his first phone rattle, a ring that lights up and a giraffe thing that builds up rings that looks very nice and even has a couple made of wood. It's all really rather nice.We had an emotional afternoon, Leon had fed alot in the morning and was awake and unable to settle, he was crying alot, we wondered if he was a bit over stimulated. It's hard to say if the crying made tob and i tense or the tensness made Leon cry but we both ended up in tears and working it out, it wasn't over anything big but it somehow all needed saying. It all came to a head when I decided that Leon needed to go out for a walk in the pushchair to settle. It was very cold out and we couldn't agree what to put him in, he kept crying, as we put him in the push chair, still crying crying crying. Then I saw Tob standing outside with Leon in his arms he still wouldn't settle and we both ended up in tears. We ended up walking round the block with Tob carrying Leon and me pushing the pushchair, bickering and grumpy. Leon did get off to sleep though and we put him upstairs for a sleep for the afternoon where he slept soundly until early evening. We then kissed and made up and went through all the pictures to be printed out and send to grandparents and great grandparents in little photo albums. I think we are both emotionally a bit wraw but we work things out, it's also the impending return to work for Tob. He's not looking forward to not being here all the time with us and I'm not looking forward to not having all the moments to share with him, laughing at his farts and faces. [That's Leon's farts and faces I hasten to add ;) - Toby]. Posted by Picasa


Glidergoth said...

Pyro and I had a similar 'moment' with E. It culminated with me driving off and returning to find P & E gone. We kissed and made up but it's very wearing when they keep crying, you're short of sleep and us girls have all manner of odd hormones swilling around as your milk comes in fully.

With M we've not had time to get so stressed with E to entertain, but Pyro still gets really stressed when M just won't settle. I seem to handle it better than him, I think because I have it all day as well, but those are still the times I have weepy evenings alone.

Big hugs - it does get better, real soon. Leon'll be smiling back at you in a few weeks : )

Glidergoth said...

Oh yes - you'll find he syarts to cry more and get more demanding as he gets more aware and alert - it's a case of "I'm awake, and I've been fed and changed but I still can't move and don't know what to do with myself".